(ns my.test (:require [clojure.test.check :as tc :refer [quick-check]] [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen] [clojure.test.check.properties :as prop :include-macros true]))

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The default options passed to clojure.test.check/quick-check by defspec.





If true, a verbose report of the property being tested, the failing return value, and the arguments provoking that failure is emitted prior to the start of the shrinking search.



Controls whether property trials should be reported via clojure.test/report. Valid values include:

  • false - no reporting of trials (default)
  • a function - will be passed a clojure.test/report-style map containing :clojure.test.check/property and :clojure.test.check/trial slots
  • true - provides quickcheck-style trial reporting (dots) via trial-report-dots

(Note that all reporting requires running quick-check within the scope of a clojure.test run (via test-ns, test-all-vars, etc.))

Reporting functions offered by clojure.test.check include trial-report-dots and trial-report-periodic (which prints more verbose trial progress information every *trial-report-period* milliseconds).



Milliseconds between reports emitted by trial-report-periodic.


(assert-check {:keys [result], :as m})


(default-reporter-fn {:keys [type], :as args})

Default function passed as the :reporter-fn to clojure.test.check/quick-check. Delegates to clojure.test/report.



(defspec name property)(defspec name num-tests? property)(defspec name options? property)

Defines a new clojure.test test var that uses quick-check to verify the property, running num-times trials by default. You can call the function defined as name with no arguments to trigger this test directly (i.e., without starting a wider clojure.test run). If called with arguments, the first argument is the number of trials, optionally followed by keyword arguments as defined for quick-check.


(trial-report-dots {[so-far total] :clojure.test.check.clojure-test/trial})

Intended to be bound as the value of *report-trials*; will emit a single dot every 1000 trials reported.


(trial-report-periodic m)

Intended to be bound as the value of *report-trials*; will emit a verbose status every *trial-report-period* milliseconds, like this one:

Passing trial 3286 / 5000 for (your-test-var-name-here) (:)


(with-test-out* f)