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Sqlingvo 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT
Released under the Eclipse Public License
A Clojure DSL to create SQL statements.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[sqlingvo "0.9.1-SNAPSHOT"]
Public variables and functions:
- compile-2-ary
- compile-aggregate-expression
- compile-column
- compile-complex-args
- compile-const
- compile-explain-option
- compile-explain-options
- compile-expr
- compile-exprs
- compile-fn
- compile-from
- compile-infix
- compile-inline
- compile-row
- compile-sql
- compile-sql-join
- compile-stmt
- compile-whitespace-args
- concat-sql
- defarity
- join-sql
- keyword-sql
- to-sql
- unwrap-stmt
- wrap-stmt
Public variables and functions:
- as
- asc
- ast
- cascade
- chain-state
- check
- column
- compose
- concurrently
- continue-identity
- copy
- create-table
- db
- db?
- delete
- delimiter
- desc
- distinct
- do-constraint
- do-nothing
- do-update
- drop-materialized-view
- drop-table
- encoding
- except
- explain
- from
- group-by
- having
- if-exists
- if-not-exists
- inherits
- insert
- intersect
- join
- like
- limit
- nulls
- offset
- on-conflict
- on-conflict-on-constraint
- order-by
- primary-key
- refresh-materialized-view
- restart-identity
- restrict
- returning
- select
- sql
- temporary
- truncate
- union
- update
- values
- where
- window
- with
- with-data
Public variables and functions:
- *reserved*
- assoc-op
- build-condition
- concat-in
- conditional-clause
- dissoc-op
- keyword-str
- m-bind
- m-result
- m-seq
- sequential
- set-val
- sql-keyword
- sql-keyword-hyphenate
- sql-name
- sql-name-underscore
- sql-placeholder-constant
- sql-placeholder-count
- sql-quote
- sql-quote-backtick
- sql-quote-double-quote
- sql-quote-fn
- sql-type-name