Onyx demo

This page is a live demo of A pure, deterministic Clojure(Script) runtime for Onyx.

This page is live and interactive powered by the klipse plugin:

  1. Live: The code is executed in your browser
  2. Interactive: You can modify the code and it is evaluated as you type

Require onyx

(ns my.onyx
  (:require [onyx-local-rt.api :as api]))

Playing with onyx

;; ^:export the function if using in ClojureScript.
(defn ^:export my-inc [segment]
  (update-in segment [:n] inc))

(def job
  {:workflow [[:in :inc] [:inc :out]]
   :catalog [{:onyx/name :in
              :onyx/type :input
              :onyx/batch-size 20}
             {:onyx/name :inc
              :onyx/type :function
              :onyx/fn ::my-inc
              :onyx/batch-size 20}
             {:onyx/name :out
              :onyx/type :output
              :onyx/batch-size 20}]
   :lifecycles []})

 (-> (api/init job)
     (api/new-segment :in {:n 41})
     (api/new-segment :in {:n 84})